The more things change the more they stay the same.
See i'm tired of playing this game.
checker like the way we just want to jump over obstacles so we can earn a name in a future that is never promised.
To be crowned or acknowledged as not another piece of the puzzle. King Me!
Or at least let me know this is where I'm suppose to be. I've made it in some capacity
I've made it through another year
I wanna start another year
But why we keep finding ourselves in dismay is cuz we fail to sift through these cliches
Proclamations, professing that everything is going to be ok
It's a new year and a new day
Obama type change, but not the hundred of years to let it materialize
No, its now or never with no in between so i guess the only thing left out is clever.
Meaning the only thing left out is knowledge or at least time to acknowledge
There's no struggle without progress
Life is a process, where bumps and bruises are sustained
And although the fact remains that in most cases time heals everything don't be foolish enough and keep hurting yourself in order to create wounds and scars simply to remind you of pain
Its a new year but its not a new day unless you make it
When opportunity knocks don't just open the door but greet it with a firm hand shake
Becuz tommorow is not today, its like clay, that hand that did the shaking, will change and create what tommorow will be.
Please don't forget that this past year was a gift that you have opened, an whether you like it or not, be thankful, because as you and I both know there are millions out there, who have been stripped of its very fine nature. Realize that the next year that we head so anxiously into is a present. Giftwrapped to us by the powers that be.
its your boy J.E
Happy New Years
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
My Preview for The City!

Tonight is the big night for Whitney fans! She's the fun-loving, strikingly beautiful, down-to-earth young woman who moves to the city from LA, for what Lauren Conrad calls her "dream boy, dream job" adventure. It is about time because I always wanted Whitney to be more in the spot light, but she seemed to linger in the background on The Hills. Now she is front and center in her new series called The City, and it starts tonight at 10 pm on MTV.
I took a little tour of the new show's website and checked out the cast bios of the new faces we will be seeing more of. I can tell you right off the bat that I have a real bad feeling about miss Olivia. She's a new age 'socialite' and likes her upscale lifestyle. But for some reason, she rubs me the wrong way, and the show isn't even airing yet! Just from the brief clips that have been revealed during The Hills' episodes, she seems like a stuck up snob. For example, if you have seen the clip of her and Whitney getting their Jimmy Choo's signed, Olivia has to make it clear that she has been wearing his shoes since she was a pre-teen when no one asked her. It is like she has to let everyone know she is rich and fabulous, and you can just see the insecurity written all over her face. I mean look at her photos on the website! She has the same face almost in every one, and never shows her ears. Are they big or something? I do admit that I am making these assumptions from first impressions, but I am usually right.
The other girls seem alright. I trust Whitney's judgments when it comes to friends so I don't really worry about them, or her boyfriend Jay. He has that bad boy look about him, but his Australian accent softens his voice and makes him have great sex appeal. No wonder Whitney is bitten by the love bug when she first lays eyes on him. I am not quite sure what to think of Adam though. He is good looking and has an impressive resume as model/restaurant owner. But he seems a little too into himself. I guess I will make final judgment after watching the show tonight.
It looks like a new hit series is going to spark after tonight! The cast has all its necessities; pretty faces, insecurities, and hot boyfriends. With Whitney as the star, I am sure it will be a success!
Monday, December 22, 2008
True Brotherly Love
YouTube has changed the lives of everyone, and some people's drastically. The family of Charlie and Harry have almost become a household name, with their video that has now attracted almost 70 million views. Yes, 70 million! Some say it is Charlie's perfect timing laugh after he bites big brother Harry's finger. Others say it is Harry's good nature to his little bro even after inflicting pain on him. Whatever it is, these two little British boys have captured a moment that would touch the funny bone of millions from all over the world!
I check up on the boys every once and awhile, since their parents are good about posting new videos, and they even have a new addition to the family - Baby Jasper.
It is amazing to me how much these boys get along with each other. Sibling competition doesn't seem to be a problem with these two. Watching another video with them popping bubble wrap together, you see the genuine friendship between the young lads.When Charlie is having a hard time jumping because of his too long pants, Harry is there to help.
Even with the third musketeer, both older brothers show some tender love in a video just relaxing on a couch together.
All I can say is that these parents are doing a great job with their boys, and I look forward to watching them grow even more.
I check up on the boys every once and awhile, since their parents are good about posting new videos, and they even have a new addition to the family - Baby Jasper.
It is amazing to me how much these boys get along with each other. Sibling competition doesn't seem to be a problem with these two. Watching another video with them popping bubble wrap together, you see the genuine friendship between the young lads.When Charlie is having a hard time jumping because of his too long pants, Harry is there to help.
Even with the third musketeer, both older brothers show some tender love in a video just relaxing on a couch together.
All I can say is that these parents are doing a great job with their boys, and I look forward to watching them grow even more.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
I have always hated science and math
With inclusion comes exclusion.
I used to be your best friend,
but now I sit impatiently
rocking a fitted hat so low to negate the chances of my eyes meeting yours..
Becuz that would only confirm the genius that lies within my heart, knowing
that your mind is elsewhere when you are with me..
They say when a mother gives birth to her first child, there is a chemical imbalance that occurs within her mind, making her care more for her newborn than anyone else in the world.
So although you affectionately call him your boo, it is clear to see why the dimensions of our relationship have changed..
Frustrated to be outside of the equation,
becuz u plus me now has less meaning than u plus him
But don't let my feelings get into the way of your love
And spoil the chemistry that once was a sweet science between u and i
but now passionately exists between him and u.
What hurts the most is that you fail to acknowledge this.
Maybe i made a mistake, analyzing the bond between us as one between just friends
I used to be your best friend,
but now I sit impatiently
rocking a fitted hat so low to negate the chances of my eyes meeting yours..
Becuz that would only confirm the genius that lies within my heart, knowing
that your mind is elsewhere when you are with me..
They say when a mother gives birth to her first child, there is a chemical imbalance that occurs within her mind, making her care more for her newborn than anyone else in the world.
So although you affectionately call him your boo, it is clear to see why the dimensions of our relationship have changed..
Frustrated to be outside of the equation,
becuz u plus me now has less meaning than u plus him
But don't let my feelings get into the way of your love
And spoil the chemistry that once was a sweet science between u and i
but now passionately exists between him and u.
What hurts the most is that you fail to acknowledge this.
Maybe i made a mistake, analyzing the bond between us as one between just friends
Friday, December 19, 2008
Astonishing. No other word can capture the malificient nature and magnitude of the recent video of President George W. Bush bobbing and weaving like Muhammed Ali in his prime to avoid getting hit by shoes thrown at him by a left wing Iraqi journalist. The lack of accountability coupled with the mere fact that the president was almost injured, albeit by the sole of a shoe, prompts questions of how secure our president is. Although the story has been covered ad nasuem, and microanalyzed from angles, the idea that the shoe was used purposely because of what it represents in Iraqi culture, is revealing. The perception of Iraqii citizens concerning the conditions of their homeland, has undoubtely been doctored by an American press that seeks to present Iraqii's as feeling free. Often times, it hard to not accept a stance that logically depicts a country once under the rigid regime of Sadaam Hussein as one that feel liberated, however, no matter how hard this current administration denotes the war in Iraq as succcessful, it is images like these that make an informed American public think contrarily. It also portrays one universal truth, that in some cases, one simply can't hide the truth Although one video is not nearly enough to conclude that the nation we currently deploy troops to is unhappy, the type animosity and frustration in that video may resignate in the mind of more than one angered journalist.
Btw, the whereabouts of the journalist now have been reported as "unknown."
Btw, the whereabouts of the journalist now have been reported as "unknown."
Dig A Little Deeper, People!
I was just reading some poems on facebook written by some fellow students at UNCW, and I am so disappointed. They all seem so forced. Trying so hard to rhyme. Why don't you people just rap, since we all know that's what you really want to do anyway. Instead of trying to portray yourself as soft hearted, writing poems about love and feelings. You people don't know what poetry is. If you think poetry is all about love and feelings, stick to roses are red and mothergoose rhymes. The poems you are posting make you sound pathetic. Poetry is about the power of words. It is about manipulating words to capture a moment. I read a quote from an interview by this man who said poetry is not the words on paper, but the feeling you get from reading it. I think that is the most amazing, and accurate definition of poetry there is. It isn't about end rhyme and love and all those mediocre things people believe. It is about creating an emotion. Poetry is all around us people. When you are desperate, on your knees praying to God, tears racing down your face, it is poetry. When you are kissing the person you love, looking them in their eyes, pushing their hair behind their ears, it is poetry. When you are screaming at the top of your lungs, blood rising from your heart to your head, ready to throw a punch, it is poetry. If you want to write a good poem, take an emotion and recreate it through words. If someone else reads it and doesnt feel that same emotion, what is the point? The words shouldn't have to be forced. You don't force yourself to be happy or sad, or any other emotion. It is uncontrollable. That is how a poem should be written. The emotion directly to the page, with your hand being your heart, not your mouth.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
The Life Altering Metacarpal
You know those questions that you get asked at least once in your lifetime, like would you rather go blind or deaf? Would you rather loose an arm or a leg? Well, if you think those are tough ones to answer, what about this - would you rather lose your pinkie finger, or your big toe?
Weird question I know, but after coming across an article on the NY Times website this morning, I was intrigued by this author's title- "Get Along Without a Pinkie? It's Tougher than You Might Think". Right away, before even beginning to read the actual article I try to pick up my cell phone without using my pinkie, and I was able to with ease. On a second try, I realized it was easy because no matter how I tried to immobilize the little finger, it still moved. So what would it really be like if you were pinkiless?
According to quoted hand therapist Laurie Rogers, "You'd lose 50 percent of your hand strength, easily." That is crazy! On top of it, pinkie fractures occur twice as often as fracturing any other finger, even the thumb. This is hard for me to believe because I have jammed and shut doors on my pinkies multiple times, and never have broken it. But Dr. Scott G Edwards, chief of hand and elbow surgery at Georgetown University Hospital, says that people think that if they can move their finger and it doesn't hurt then its not broken. Edwards says "That's simply not true."
So if you recently shut your car door on your pinkie, I would highly suggest getting it checked out! The sooner you get your pinkie fixed, the less damage will occur. In worse cases, it can entail surgery to insert pins or plates into the bone, followed by extensive finger rehab. It sounds pretty dramatic for just a little finger, but it is better than losing half of your hand's strength. Thankfully for me, my pinkie's have recovered from their living-on-the-edge lifestyle, dodging doors and car trunks. I have learned though, that if I do hurt my little guys on the end again, it is best to get them checked out, or my writing career could be over before it even started!
(Here is the article if you would like to check it out! )
Weird question I know, but after coming across an article on the NY Times website this morning, I was intrigued by this author's title- "Get Along Without a Pinkie? It's Tougher than You Might Think". Right away, before even beginning to read the actual article I try to pick up my cell phone without using my pinkie, and I was able to with ease. On a second try, I realized it was easy because no matter how I tried to immobilize the little finger, it still moved. So what would it really be like if you were pinkiless?
According to quoted hand therapist Laurie Rogers, "You'd lose 50 percent of your hand strength, easily." That is crazy! On top of it, pinkie fractures occur twice as often as fracturing any other finger, even the thumb. This is hard for me to believe because I have jammed and shut doors on my pinkies multiple times, and never have broken it. But Dr. Scott G Edwards, chief of hand and elbow surgery at Georgetown University Hospital, says that people think that if they can move their finger and it doesn't hurt then its not broken. Edwards says "That's simply not true."
So if you recently shut your car door on your pinkie, I would highly suggest getting it checked out! The sooner you get your pinkie fixed, the less damage will occur. In worse cases, it can entail surgery to insert pins or plates into the bone, followed by extensive finger rehab. It sounds pretty dramatic for just a little finger, but it is better than losing half of your hand's strength. Thankfully for me, my pinkie's have recovered from their living-on-the-edge lifestyle, dodging doors and car trunks. I have learned though, that if I do hurt my little guys on the end again, it is best to get them checked out, or my writing career could be over before it even started!
(Here is the article if you would like to check it out! )
Monday, December 15, 2008
Shihan Inspired
I'm sick of people acting like Will Smith is a legit actor
I'm sick of Denzel always playing a cop, or mentor whose been emotionally scarred in every movie he's in. (do a comedy my dude)
And I'm sick of people being self righteous, like God mistakenly made a non divine human twin
And I'm sick of rappers saying that their bringing hip hop back, only to sign record deals to flood the airwaves with more rhymes about money, cars. and bull-ish
I'm sick of females who embrace a music that unrepentantly objectifies them.
And I'm sick of females who don't know what they want from dudes besides an ear to scream at or hear their sorrows.
And I'm sick of Terrell Owens
And I'm sick of all the Obama love, if it means that there will be no attention paid to the struggling economy and troops still fighting a mindless war in Iraq
I'm sick of my fellow citizens being in a mindless war in Iraq
I'm sick of paying my University to have no interest in me thereby demanding that I take classes that I'm not interested in.
And I'm so sick of finals right now, but not because their hard. I'm sick of them because they are so flawed in their very definition. So it's the final test that wants you to remember things from the beginning middle and end of the semester in hopes that you use it for the future. Why can't it just be another test and graded as such.
And I'm sick of people trying to outwit each other on their facebook statuses. Keep it simple, facebook just ask how your doing, not the lyrics to your favorite song.
And I'm sick of everyone talking about swag, like being arrogant should be lauded. And those who say their not being arrogant wouldn't waste the time or minds of others that read their announcement that their swag is crazy
And I'm sick of dudes playing zone in pick up ball.
And I'm sick of writing this poem cause I feel like the biggest hater right now.
I'm sick of Denzel always playing a cop, or mentor whose been emotionally scarred in every movie he's in. (do a comedy my dude)
And I'm sick of people being self righteous, like God mistakenly made a non divine human twin
And I'm sick of rappers saying that their bringing hip hop back, only to sign record deals to flood the airwaves with more rhymes about money, cars. and bull-ish
I'm sick of females who embrace a music that unrepentantly objectifies them.
And I'm sick of females who don't know what they want from dudes besides an ear to scream at or hear their sorrows.
And I'm sick of Terrell Owens
And I'm sick of all the Obama love, if it means that there will be no attention paid to the struggling economy and troops still fighting a mindless war in Iraq
I'm sick of my fellow citizens being in a mindless war in Iraq
I'm sick of paying my University to have no interest in me thereby demanding that I take classes that I'm not interested in.
And I'm so sick of finals right now, but not because their hard. I'm sick of them because they are so flawed in their very definition. So it's the final test that wants you to remember things from the beginning middle and end of the semester in hopes that you use it for the future. Why can't it just be another test and graded as such.
And I'm sick of people trying to outwit each other on their facebook statuses. Keep it simple, facebook just ask how your doing, not the lyrics to your favorite song.
And I'm sick of everyone talking about swag, like being arrogant should be lauded. And those who say their not being arrogant wouldn't waste the time or minds of others that read their announcement that their swag is crazy
And I'm sick of dudes playing zone in pick up ball.
And I'm sick of writing this poem cause I feel like the biggest hater right now.
I would give college a D- -
While I sit and wait for my final grades to show up for this semester, I wonder why those first few letters of the Alphabet have such an effect on us college kids. I mean, getting an A makes you feel like a genius and you deserve some kind of reward for all the hard work you put in, especially for those cram nights when you put off papers and studying for exams to the last minute. Even if you know all your grades will be higher than C's, you still wait and worry until they are finally posted and do victory dances when you get what you expected as if it was so far fetched anyways. But if you don't get what you wanted, then you feel like the world is against you and no matter how much work you put in over the semester, it was a destined failure to begin with.
Who came up with the idea to grade students with letters anyway? Even worse, who decided to throw in the +'s and -'s? It leaves too much to interpretation. For example, on a reading quiz I took in my Cross-Cultural Memoir's class, my professor gave me a B++. Please, someone tell me the benefit of putting that extra plus there? It is like saying "Maegan, you did an almost A- job, but since it is not quite there I am going to give you that extra plus to rub it in your face!" It would be very rare for a professor to give someone an A--, but an extra plus is okay because it gives you an extra positive, right! Wrong.
Just thinking about this system of grading makes me wonder why I even decided to go to college in the first place. It goes by so fast that it just feels like a bunch of cram nights, stuffing as much information into your brain (which mostly is lost in the end), and then you are handed a little piece of paper that says you are a legit individual to enter the work force. Nowadays, you need at least two of those small paper's to get a good job. Then after spending a minimum of 8 years doing a whole lot of work, you enter the real world and realize wow, getting a job is almost impossible because of the fact that our nation's unemployment rate just keeps getting higher. So now, I just spent almost a decade getting so deep into debt with college loans, to just stay broke.
This isn't true for everyone I am sure, but for the majority of students in college these days, I bet that we could go into the work force with no little paper in our hands and do just as good. What is a bachelor's in fine arts going to do for me, a Creative Writing Major, when I get out here? Yes, I could decide to spend the rest of my life advising other students about their futures in school as a guidance counselor. But then I ask myself, why did I spend all that money and time on college to get out into the real world, just to end up staying in school anyways? No, for me, that little piece of paper just means I got a lot of A's and B's on my creative writing work, and that I have successfully been accepted by some professors to be creative while writing. Well thank you! Now, I will just keep dreaming that I am the future J.K. Rowling whose small idea turned into a lot of small green paper. That way when I do graduate next year, I can say that I did have some sort of plan to make a stable living, even if it was just a dream.
Who came up with the idea to grade students with letters anyway? Even worse, who decided to throw in the +'s and -'s? It leaves too much to interpretation. For example, on a reading quiz I took in my Cross-Cultural Memoir's class, my professor gave me a B++. Please, someone tell me the benefit of putting that extra plus there? It is like saying "Maegan, you did an almost A- job, but since it is not quite there I am going to give you that extra plus to rub it in your face!" It would be very rare for a professor to give someone an A--, but an extra plus is okay because it gives you an extra positive, right! Wrong.
Just thinking about this system of grading makes me wonder why I even decided to go to college in the first place. It goes by so fast that it just feels like a bunch of cram nights, stuffing as much information into your brain (which mostly is lost in the end), and then you are handed a little piece of paper that says you are a legit individual to enter the work force. Nowadays, you need at least two of those small paper's to get a good job. Then after spending a minimum of 8 years doing a whole lot of work, you enter the real world and realize wow, getting a job is almost impossible because of the fact that our nation's unemployment rate just keeps getting higher. So now, I just spent almost a decade getting so deep into debt with college loans, to just stay broke.
This isn't true for everyone I am sure, but for the majority of students in college these days, I bet that we could go into the work force with no little paper in our hands and do just as good. What is a bachelor's in fine arts going to do for me, a Creative Writing Major, when I get out here? Yes, I could decide to spend the rest of my life advising other students about their futures in school as a guidance counselor. But then I ask myself, why did I spend all that money and time on college to get out into the real world, just to end up staying in school anyways? No, for me, that little piece of paper just means I got a lot of A's and B's on my creative writing work, and that I have successfully been accepted by some professors to be creative while writing. Well thank you! Now, I will just keep dreaming that I am the future J.K. Rowling whose small idea turned into a lot of small green paper. That way when I do graduate next year, I can say that I did have some sort of plan to make a stable living, even if it was just a dream.
It's as though a heart has undefined seasons of change
Warming up or becoming cold with disregard for what time of the year it is
But before it deteriorates because of others disregard, I try to record whats left inside
Because if the heart is the muscle of life
Then pain and love are the two drum sticks that play together to keep it beating
And if the pad is my body then the pen is my breath, and when I click it I exhale and let it
breathe till nothings left.
And if that ink is my blood, I'll let it run in poetic patterns that flow with words that will prosper until my death.
And if poetry is art
Let me use it to paint literary mosaics that will resignate in the minds as beautifully as Picasso paintings
And if i have no choice than to let words paint picture
let this be heaven sent like scripture
with good intent and content that invigorates minds
Warming up or becoming cold with disregard for what time of the year it is
But before it deteriorates because of others disregard, I try to record whats left inside
Because if the heart is the muscle of life
Then pain and love are the two drum sticks that play together to keep it beating
And if the pad is my body then the pen is my breath, and when I click it I exhale and let it
breathe till nothings left.
And if that ink is my blood, I'll let it run in poetic patterns that flow with words that will prosper until my death.
And if poetry is art
Let me use it to paint literary mosaics that will resignate in the minds as beautifully as Picasso paintings
And if i have no choice than to let words paint picture
let this be heaven sent like scripture
with good intent and content that invigorates minds
Saturday, December 13, 2008
One Reason Why I Write
I write because my words like paper more than air.
When they take off from my tongue they dont fly
away. More like may day!
Most rather to drive, so they travel north
from the heart's center and take a right
down the main tunnel to exits 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5.
My words like to view the scenery
on the way, and if it is too long a trip,
they can pull over at a rest stop for a while.
Sometimes they realize
that they really don't want to come out yet,
or ever,
so they make a u-turn home.
Some words just aren't the traveling type at all.
At least this way,
they can always turn around
and wait for a better day
to make the journey.
When they take off from my tongue they dont fly
away. More like may day!
Most rather to drive, so they travel north
from the heart's center and take a right
down the main tunnel to exits 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5.
My words like to view the scenery
on the way, and if it is too long a trip,
they can pull over at a rest stop for a while.
Sometimes they realize
that they really don't want to come out yet,
or ever,
so they make a u-turn home.
Some words just aren't the traveling type at all.
At least this way,
they can always turn around
and wait for a better day
to make the journey.
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