Tuesday, April 28, 2009

very random rap

I feel inspired

But maybe im just tired

From all that’s goin on

But Ima write this lil song

Anyway, so I can get it out of my head

And go to bed

Before these words go dead…

I think about your mistress all the time

Cuz I hate sharing you, and I lie all the time

Callin you mine, but your not fully,

And she beats up my brain like a bully

Trying to convince me that your love is real

But only with her, because of all the time she steals

From me, keeping you away

From me, causing all this pain

For me, because I never know the day

May come, when you say

Were done, and my tears start to run

Knowing she won. Your heart

Seems to be in two places

And I can’t face this

Because its been three years

Of struggle and tears

To get you on my side,

Hop in God’s ride

and leave your peers’.

I still have faith in you tho

Because you’re trying to let her go

And I just stay around

Hoping that what I found

Inside you will appear

And I can rest my fear

Of losing you.

So for now, I bow

And sit down, after all the work I’ve done

And let God shine his Son

On you, praying

That you love me enough to

Keep us together


Thursday, April 16, 2009

What a lady.. spazzin in stats

What a Goddess
Though you lack divinity
you seem like the forgotten member of the holy trinity
definitely the women that graced the world and made it beautiful
wut im seeing is the reincarnation
If Christ died for all our sins, then I guess your the vision that saved us, the beauty of creation
Woah, i kind lost track in the metaphores, ive been trained to lose focus... zeroing in on your presence and not your essence.
my eyes focused on your beauty but my mind didnt know
if this pen could reconfigure, or even deliver
something that my heart wouldnt resent, out of fear of misrepresenting u
I am nothing but i've been blessed that i've met u, so i want to be something
a writer, a def poet or something
cuz in essence I would be just following in ur footseteps... u see if word is born, and God created the word, u were the mother who whispered in his ear sweet nothings so it can be made with purity.
im just spazzin
but i'm bless to have met
A mermaid without the gills, a queen without a crown
LC before the hills
A chill young girl more valuable than bills

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

What a Gentleman

If God were a man I would marry Him.
He opens so many doors,
and even if I'm in a room without any,
He will open a window so I can escape.
He always pays for me,
even when I am not worthy of a blessing
one always seems to end up on my plate.
Sometimes He even gets mad
at me and decides to show tough love.
At least this way I learn my lessons

with love. He does all things

with a purpose. Even the small things
like sending rain drops to kiss my cheek
while the clouds keep thundering,
just as reminders that He is still there;
He still cares.
Above all else, He is the best listener.
I can vent, and cry, and whine, and He stays
quiet, never interrupting me
because He knows that any advice
could stop my heart from speaking,
cause my mind to start seeking
the answer which can only be found
where He rests. In between the beats,
He speaks in the silence of my heart.


Sunday, April 12, 2009


The sun has risen another day
and I am standing in its shining rays
because it represents one of the many ways
the Lord has changed my life.

He stood waiting
in the dark, never deliberating
if he would be able to rise, but celebrating
because he knew it would change my life.

He endured all the broken sin
to save his Father's children from all their sins
knowing in the end that He would win
and become Lord of my life.

When he rose up from the dead
all the true believers rejoiced and said,
Amen! Amen! Amen! over again,
He is the Lord of Life!

The son has risen another day
and I am shining in his rays
because it represents one of the many ways
The Lord gave me life.


Monday, April 6, 2009

Trusting the Big Guy

God works in mysterious ways. That is the only fact of life I can cling to right now. Today's facebook devotional that I read was about how even though one part of your life may have failed, you must push forward and realize that it is not the only part of your life. God sees the big picture, and each failure or upset to your plan, is God's way of telling you to follow His plan. Each bump in the road is like a stepping stone to your brighter future.

Today, my plans for my college future crashed and burned. A practicum course that was supposed to set me up for an internship that would have hopefully turned into a career has now been taken away from me. When it all comes down to it, it was my own fault. I should have prepared my four years of college starting my freshman year, instead of starting my junior year. If I was more proactive than I was, I would be all set up for success. Unfortunately, I fell into a slum that most college students fall into. I waited too long to really care about my future outside of academia.

I was really upset earlier when I realized during signing up for my fall courses that I wouldn't be able to take that practicum. If I did, it added too many extra hours and would cause me to graduate a semester late. I can not afford an extra 12,000 dollars for one course. But then I read that devotional and it just made me realize that I was trying to take things into my own hands. I wasn't letting God guide my future entirely. I know that He will provide for me after I graduate, so I do not need a practicum course to guarantee a successful future. He sees the big picture that I am not able to, so I am going to trust Him to work it all out for me. I feel great now knowing that I am letting some unnecessary stress go, and letting God take care of the small and big things for me. In the end all I need is my faith, and I am good!


Saturday, April 4, 2009


Strangled by a chord
Air becoming harder to find
A stranger to anger
choked up by feelings that can't be repressed
that his words can not meet the world
My mind mirors my face
becoming darker and darker
wanting nothing more than to simply escape
but life is looking to do the same thing
And my heart is starting to race
Sounding less rhythmic and more destined for failure
And school taught me I'd pass at 70
and feeling the lows of lows at twenty is unacceptable
but i'm feeling that way because school taught me
how to contrive and connive
but never to speak