Wednesday, April 15, 2009

What a Gentleman

If God were a man I would marry Him.
He opens so many doors,
and even if I'm in a room without any,
He will open a window so I can escape.
He always pays for me,
even when I am not worthy of a blessing
one always seems to end up on my plate.
Sometimes He even gets mad
at me and decides to show tough love.
At least this way I learn my lessons

with love. He does all things

with a purpose. Even the small things
like sending rain drops to kiss my cheek
while the clouds keep thundering,
just as reminders that He is still there;
He still cares.
Above all else, He is the best listener.
I can vent, and cry, and whine, and He stays
quiet, never interrupting me
because He knows that any advice
could stop my heart from speaking,
cause my mind to start seeking
the answer which can only be found
where He rests. In between the beats,
He speaks in the silence of my heart.



  1. i didnt realize it was called wut a gentlemen.. thats kinda sick
