Saturday, February 7, 2009


I give up
Like the sun does as a summer's night approaches
Reluctantly leaving but not without leaving its impact in the form of horrid humidity
I leave, frantically running, like a child deciding that home is not home anymore
in hopes that the path that my mind chooses for my legs to travel will have something to do with where i'm destined to be.
Relapsing, reacting without thinking, semi debating, leaving no time to rebuddle
My life mirors that of the abandoned buildings found in the boondocks of the place I call home
No matter how many people drive by and look judgingly, senselessly waiting for them to be annihilated for aesthetic purposes, it stands bravely alone
Cynics depreciate the beauty of life, and realist deliberately develop a plan to battle life's brevity
But I do neither
Perhaps because I've lost hope
Like my hopes for Power Wheels and universal peace, they've all been terminated by the traumatic repercussions of growth
Purity is often perceived as precious as it pertains to kids, but it's essence in relationship or lack their of makes me realize that
The impossible, is indeed just that, impossible
Sarah Kay was wrong.. friendships aren't always worth building despite the splinters you may get

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